To kick off October in the right way I watched Pride and Prejudice this afternoon and put up the Halloween feather tree. It looks pretty cute. Although I will say that I obviously need more ornaments. Compared to my Christmas feather tree, this is a bit appalling. If you collect glass ornaments you'll like this post. If not....sorry!
And there is a serious lack of witches on the tree....I only have this one!
Lots of cute pumpkins though.
Most of the ornaments are Old World that I order from "Christmas in Prescott"....ironic I know. I love them because they have free shipping and each comes with a box.
This one's from my mom which is very cute, it's a book with a witch, so I guess it counts for my witch inventory.
Really cute Christopher Radko....
I have two bats, but only Betty made it on the tree. The clipped one has a broken stem and needs lock-tight...David??
I have updates on the basement reno that I will post this week....I apologize for the long break in posts!