Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finally Home!!

I have never been so excited to get home from a trip! Work in Mexico City went well but I have been gone forever and during my favorite gardening time! I came home to beautiful weather. It's about 65 degrees today and not a cloud in the sky. Here are a few things that I came back to....

My very favorite plant, next to roses.....Bleeding Hearts waking up for Spring. I have them in white and pink. Going to get the new red ones tomorrow when I go to the nursery. You can see the lillies coming up in the background.

A spirea that I can't remember the name of in bloom. My forsythia is still yellow by the way. Everyone else's has almost completely turned green.

Red Twig Variegated Dogwood budding...

Look at the iris bed! I know I've posted a ton of pics about this bed...but I'm so excited to see that it actually worked. This is the worst possible soil next to the barn (I mean, look at the grass in front!) but they seem to be doing great!

I have 2 white peonies in the front garden. They were the very first thing I ever planted and I love to see them coming up every year. You might notice I don't have a lot of mulch in my garden. I've stopped using it. I think it keeps the disease in. I know...that seems silly. But when I don't layer mulch, my garden does better. I can't explain it.

So many new volunteers this year! Last year I planted a huge pink oriental poppy and happy to see that he reseeded this year. Don't know if he will look the same, but waiting to see is half the fun.

Speaking of poppies....I ordered some new poppies online. I absolutely love the huge oriental ones but they are beyond expensive to get here. I wasn't expecting to be gone for work as long as I was so David had to accept my garden deliveries and take care of the new babies for me. He kindly put them in the garage which was very smart since we had a suprise freeze which will kill a poppy in an instant. Three of them are still in trouble. I planted them today. We'll see if they perk up.

I also ordered some daylillies which of course arrived the day after I left. He's so good...he put them in a root pouch for me and set them in the sun!

The David Austen bed is looking so healthy and greened out. If only it would stay so lush. Stay away black-spot!

And....the last thing I came home to. A very scruffy and dirty little girl who was not pleased I was gone so long and ran right up on the couch to tell me so. She's getting a bath today!

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